Rayat Shikshan Sanstha's
Established Year : 1962
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University - Uni. ID. No. P.U./A.N./C./05(1962) Junior College Code : 12.14.002
NAAC Re-accredited "A" Grade - UGC 2F & 12B Certificate
Student Satisfaction Survey
Guidelines for Students : NAAC (National Assessment and accreditation council) is conducting a Student Satisfaction Survey regarding Teaching - Learning and Evaluation, which will help to upgrade the quality in higher education. A student will have to respond to all the questions given in the following format with her / his sincere effort and thought. Her / his identity will not be revealed.
Please confirm this is the first and only time you answer this survey. * Yes No
College Name *
Gender : Female Male Transgender
What degree program are you pursuing now? * Bachelor Master MPhil Doctorate Other
What subject area are you currently pursuing? * Arts Commerce Science Professional Other
How much of the syllabus was covered in the class? * 85 to 100% 70 to 84% 55 to 69% 30 to 54% Below 30%
How well did the teachers prepare for the classes? * Thoroughly Satisfactorily Poorly Indifferently Won't teach at all
How well were the teachers able to communicate? * Always effective Sometimes effective Just satisfactorily General ineffective Very poor communication
The teacher's approach to teaching can best be described as * Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Fairness of the internal evaluation process by the teachers. * Always fair Usually fair Sometimes unfair Usually unfair Unfair
Was your performance in assignments discussed with you? * Every time Usually Occasionally / Sometimes Rarely Never
The institute takes active interest in promoting internship, student exchange, field visit opportunities for students. * Regularly Often Sometimes Rarely Never
The teaching and mentoring process in your institution facilitates you in cognitive, social and emotional growth * Significantly Very well Moderately Marginally Not at all
The institution provides multiple opportunities to learn and grow. * Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Teachers inform you about your expected competencies, course outcomes and programme outcomes. * Every time Usually Occasionally / Sometimes Rarely Never
Your mentor does a necessary follow-up with an assigned task to you. * Every time Usually Occasionally / Sometimes Rarely I dont have a mentor
The teachers illustrate the concept through examples and applications. * Every time Usually Occasionally / Sometimes Rarely Never
The teachers identify your strengths and encourage you with providing right level of challenges. * Fully Reasonably Partially Slightly Unable to
Teachers are able to identify your weaknesses and help you to overcome them. * Every time Usually Occasionally / Sometimes Rarely Never
The institution makes effort to engage students in the monitoring, review and continuous quality improvement of the teaching learning process. * Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
The institute / teachers use student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies for enhancing learning experiences. * To a great extent Moderate Some what Very little Not at all
Teachers encourage you to participate in extracurricular activities. * Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Efforts are made by the institute / teachers to inculcate soft skills, life skills and employability skills to make you ready for the world of work. * To a great extent Moderate Some what Very little Not at all
What percentage of teachers use ICT tools such as LCD projector, Multimedia, etc. while teaching. * Above 90% 70 - 89% 50 - 69% 30 - 49% Below 29%
The overall quality of teaching-learning process in your institute is very good. * Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Give three observation / suggestions to improve the overall teaching / learning experience in your institution. *