Rayat Shikshan Sanstha's


Established Year : 1962

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University - Uni. ID. No. P.U./A.N./C./05(1962) Junior College Code : 12.14.002

NAAC Re-accredited "A" Grade - UGC 2F & 12B Certificate

Teachers Feedback

This form is intended to collect the information related to your satisfaction towards the curriculum, teaching, learning evaluation and infrastructure.
This information is confidential and will be used as an important feedback for quality improvement of the programme of studies and the college.
Please select the appropriate option.

Email :

There is good balance between theory and application in the Course / Syllabi *

The syllabi and objectives of syllabi are well designed *

The books / journals, recommended are relevant and updated *

The Course / Syllabi increased my knowledge and viewpoint. *

I have freedom to endorse new technique / methodology of teaching. *

I have freedom to embrace new techniques of testing and examining students instead of traditional methods. *

Examination and tests, assignment are conducted in time with proper coverage of all units. *

Sufficient books and journals available in the library. *

There is good co-operation from administrative people. *

The college supports to faculty members for improving, upgrading and updating their skills and qualifications. *

The environment is conducive to teaching and research. *

ICT facilities are adequate and satisfactory. *

Toilets / Washrooms / Classrooms are properly maintained and clean. *

The staff welfare committee is active and prompt to help staff as per the requirement. *

The teaching staff is satisfied with the administration College Development Committee. *

The emoluments paid to the teachers are satisfactory. *

Your suggestion if any *