Rayat Shikshan Sanstha's


Established Year : 1962

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University - Uni. ID. No. P.U./A.N./C./05(1962) Junior College Code : 12.14.002

NAAC Re-accredited "A" Grade - UGC 2F & 12B Certificate



National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) was established in 1994 as per the strategic plan of the National Policy on Education (NPE, 1986) and the Programme of Action (PoA, 1992). NAAC has been established as an autonomous institution of the UGC. It has its head quarter in Bengaluru. The basic objective of NAAC is to make the Quality Assurance an Integral part of the functioning of Higher Education Institutions.

Our college has gone through the first cycle of accreditation during 4th to 6th January 2004 in which the college secured B++ grade. The second cycle of accreditation was faced by the college during 29th to 31st August 2012 in which the college secured A grade. Now the college is preparing to go through the third cycle of accreditation.


NAAC has made certain changes in the format of SSR and has also changed the weightages of seven criteria. The focus is now shifted on quality improvement of an institution. In this quality improvement drive, the role of IQAC has been transformed from 'Cell' to 'system'. Thus C. D. Jain College of Commerce has created an IQAC cell in the year 2003. 

IQAC performs the following functions : 

  1. Expected to activate the system and raise the institutional standard to higher level. IQAC always make continuous improvement in quality of education.
  2. Development mechanism for quality improvement in the college.
  3. Prepare mechanism for feedback from stakeholders of the college.
  4. Collection of qualitative and quantitative information from concerning departments of the college.